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Enough with 70,000 Rupiah You Can Get 740+ Games on

The video game industry and community around the world has shown itself to support the movement and protest Black Lives Matter over the past week, and this has been one of the biggest forms of support and solidarity from the indie gaming community.

Platform currently offering a very large bundle for a very small price, you can get 740 games, from 560 developers who are following the support of the Black Lives Matter movement. The bundle is at least equivalent to $ 3,400 (47,800,600 Rupiah), but you only need to spend $ 5 (70,000 Rupiah) to get all of that.

$ 5 (70,000 Rupiah) is the minimum donation, and you can get the game with that much. But if you want to donate more that can be done too. The donation will later go to organizations that work against police brutality and promote racial equality.

For those of you who are interested in buying the bundle, you can directly visit the website here. After making a donation you will get an email in the form of a message containing a link, these links will later lead you to download hundreds of these games.

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