Fallout 76 Beta on Xbox One can only be played at a specified time
GridGames.ID -Fallout 76 multiplayer RPG action game developed by Bethesda Game Studios and released by Bethesda Softworks has officially started a special beta version for Xbox One on October 23, 2021 yesterday. However, this beta version is not really playable yet, because the servers are available only at certain times.
The game, which was announced on May 30, 2021, says it will start the beta version on October 23, 2021 specifically for Xbox One, October 30, 2021 for PlayStation 4 and PC.
The gaming sessions in the beta version last for 4-8 hours on certain days, and then the beta will be able to operate again until the next session. This process will continue from now on until the game’s release date on November 14, 2021.
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“On some days, the server may be online for between four and eight hours. Focusing as many players as possible in this beta stage is our main goal. Then we’ll fix what needs fixing and do it over and over again from the start of the beta to a few days before it’s officially launched. We will give this opportunity to you, “said representatives of Bethesda quoted from Ubergizmo.
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Beta codes are available to anyone who pre-orders games on Xbox One, PC, and PlayStation 4.Pre-loading is only available on Xbox One for now, as PC and PS4 beta versions will only start on October 30, 2021.
Bethesda as the developer of Fallout 76 plans to see your progress from playing the beta version until the game is fully released. Pre-orders will also earn you 500 Atoms, the in-game currency for purchasing the items you need at the in-game shop.
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