Gran Turismo will arrive on the PlayStation 5 and support 240 FPS!

Recently the latest news came from a Game Developer named Polyphone Digital who is preparing a New Game with the Racing genre for the Console Platform.
They mentioned, that the game is a new racing game entitled Gran Turismo. Of course, this is Good news for fans of racing games and are also curious about the game’s presence on the PS 5 Console.
Recently the CEO of Polyphony Digital, Kazunori Yamauchi has confirmed the presence of the Gran Turismo game and said that the game will have very good features.
Well, the feature in question is support for frame-rates up to 240 fps and also supports 4K resolution on the PlayStation 5 Console.
“In terms of frames per second, rather than sticking to 60 fps, I’m more interested in increasing it to 120 fps or even 240 fps. I think that’s what will change the experience from here on out.
Apart from that, Yamauchi also said that
“” I thought, displaying 4K resolution would be sufficient, “
Yamauchi said as quoted by GT Planet
This is certainly possible to happen on the PlayStation 5 Console. Because the next-gen console from Sony will also come with improvements ranging from specifications and also features that already support many advanced technologies. So, do you think you will choose Resolution or FPS?
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