Here Are 20 Words in the Game That Become Today's Slang
GridGames.ID – The use of slang in the middle of a conversation is no longer a surprise.
The reason is, the existence of slang in Indonesia itself has been around for decades and is increasingly following the journey of pop culture.
In this day and age, to be more precise this year, you must have started hearing some people use terms from within the game to talk to each other.
Yep, you could say it’s the language of gamers.
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Just like other slang, this gamer language develops and increases its vocabulary as time goes by and the number of games that are present.
So, every year there are guys, new words.
Almost the same as the South Jakarta slang, the gamer language is also dominated by English which is then combined with Indonesian.
It’s just that, taking the words is not from everyday English, but from games.
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For those who don’t know, about this, 20 in-game words are used as slang as we have summarized from GridGames.ID.
1. GG: good game, good, cool
Example: Your writing goes to a magazine? GG so!
2. Auto: direct, guaranteed, sure
Example: Duh, if I don’t come home now, my father will auto scold me.
3. Pros: Good at
Example: Take it easy, when it comes to badminton, I’m a pro!
4. Noob: Cupu, lousy
Example: Ah, can’t it just be like this? Really noob.
5. Hode: A guy who disguises himself as a woman on social media
Example: I think the same party we hode earlier. Just look at the profile photo.
6. Imba: Too good
Example: Geez, dragon, I really think it’s a person, I just finished the job.
7. Ulti: Beaten, finished,
Example: Do a game assignment, then at Bu Nani’s ulti, after we are in class.
8. By One: Pitting one on one
Example: Well, by one basket we will do it in the afternoon!
9. Safe zone: A place of refuge
Example: It’s hot, where do you go, go to PIM or GanCit, so look for a safe zone.
10. Savage: Desperate, brave
Example: Widih, really savage, Adi came to the principal’s room using the boxer only.
11. GB: Salary blind, take it so
Example: Hey, please do my GB-in assignment. I’ll try to eat lunch later
12. Ez: Easy, easy, easy
Example: Oh my God, just do my job like this, I’m confused.
13. AFK: Away from keyboard, leave, exit
Example: Bro, I’m okay with it. Asked to pray maghrib first.
14. Toxic: Disrespectful, hard to control
Example: I’m lazy to play with him, I’m not right, I’m also toxic in the game.
15. Smurf: Account with a small level / rank
Example: Help me get to Grandmaster using your smurf account.
16. Troll: Fun, mischievous
Example: As long as it’s Ida’s birthday, let’s take a troll while in tutoring.
17. OTG: On the Game, enter the game
Example: Bro, let’s login. I’m already otg here
18. Lag: connection interruption
Example: Really, I’m really lagging. Until you can’t move, man.
19. DC: Disconnect, exit
Example: I’m sorry, yesterday I was DC because my house lights went out.
20. KS: Kill steal, trash
Example: I was the one who cycled, you killed it. Basic trash.
Well, about that, friend, the words in the game that are currently often used as everyday language. Which one do you usually like to use for chatting with friends hanging out?
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