How to Change Job to High Wizard - Ragnarok Eternal Love SEA
Contributor by: Laurentia Jesika
After you become Wizard, advanced jobs for you are High Wizard. High Wizard has more magic area in comparison Wizard and certainly makes it easier for you to farm and face a large number of monsters. To be High Wizard of course you have to do some tests first. To turn into a person High Wizard, job level Wizard you have to be 40 first.
When the Wizard job level requirements have reached level 40, you will get a mission to change jobs automatically. After getting the mission, head over to Adventure Hall in the city Prontera to talk Higgy Ezz then take your pick Yes.
Then go to NPC Durta and choose a job High Wizard. NPC Durta then it will give you 3 questions which you must answer correctly.
Question 1: Answer wrong (X)
Question 2: Wrong answer (X)
Question 3: Answer correctly (O)
After answering the three questions above correctly, you will be asked to meet the NPC Maria in Geffen Tower. NPC Maria will ask you guys to beat Dark Strouf.
To find Dark Strouf, you are required to collect the items needed. For the first object, that is Square Obsidian Shard. To find this item go to Underwater Temple 2F and meet Lusya. Talk to him and choose Tour Flight at Sea by Whale and choose Northwestern Isle.
After arriving at Northwestern Isle, follow the directions on your map to find out where Square Obsidian Shard located, approach the marked area to retrieve the item.
Return to Lusya and select to this time Southeastern Isle to collect the next object ie Circular Obsidian Shard.
When you’re done collecting items, go to the altar Underwater Temple 2F, use the collected Shards in the places indicated and defeat them Dark Strouf.
After defeating Dark Strouf, return to NPC Maria in Geffen Tower to deliver Dark Attachment Ripple and ask for a letter of recommendation.
Go to the city of Prontera to meet NPC Mathay Siv and give Maria a letter of recommendation. Siv will give 3 questions back.
Question 1: Correct answer (O)
Question 2: Answer correctly (O)
Question 3: Answer correctly (O)
After you answer the 3 questions above correctly. You will be brought inside. Click the ledger Ymir in the middle of the room and answer Okay to take you to the inauguration room.
Congratulations! You have become High Wizard.
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