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Overwatch Update: Hammond and Nerf Hanzo?

The latest Overwatch update provides nerf and buffs for some characters

Overwatch updates for versions give some buffs for some characters, but there are also heroes who are nerfed. Here’s the explanation:

Characters like Bastion, McCree, and Soldier 76 get buff for falloff damage they. The falloff damage here is the damage shot by the enemy, it will decrease if the distance is too far. And seen from the picture above, the 3 heroes have a slight change in their damage when their distance from the enemy is at the farthest point. Whereas for May, Blizzard removes falloff damage for right-click shootMaybe because you rarely use Mei.

Apart from that, there is also a nerf for Hanzo and maybe a buff for Sombra although interspersed with some nerf for Sombra. Here’s the explanation:

For those play Hanzo, skill Storm Arrow for this patch nerfed by Blizzard. Because it’s still too overpowered. Storm Arrow which was a duration of 6 seconds with cooldown only 8 this second, changed to duration 5 seconds with cooldown for 10 second. Even though it has been reworked, Blizzard still feels that the Storm Arrow is too good OP.

Another case for Sombra. Skill Stealth in this new patch, it won’t have any duration at all, but you won’t be able to anymore Contest objective, and there is also a slight decrease Movement Speed by 20 percent. And to Translocator from Sombra also won’t have a duration, so you are free to run here and there, but in this new patch, the Translocator can be destroyed, and has the same HP. 5, and there is also a reduction in the radius of the skill.

Now for the last update, surely many are impatient, right? The entry of the 28th hero, namely Wrecking Ball. Hero who has a role as Tank this has a level of difficulty that is arguably quite difficult. So for those of you who want to try this hero, it is highly recommended that you try the Wrecking Ball skill at Training Range. For details, you can read here; Overwatch Patch

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