How to Overcome a Lost Account at Genshin Impact

Since its release last September, Genshin Impact has quickly become so popular with gamers around the world. Behind its popularity, Genshin Impact also named the Best Game 2021 category by Google PlayStore.
Although the popularity of this game is increasing, it is evident that there are still many things that need to be improved by game developers, especially in the security system. Recently, several players Genshin Impact reported that many of their accounts were lost for no apparent reason.

In a post from one of the Genshin Impact Indonesia Official Facebook groups, it can be seen that the player suddenly gets a message “Email address not registered”. Most likely the account of this player has been unlinked by hackers, which causes him to not be able to enter the game.
Well, therefore GameZeRO want to share some tips to tighten your account. Here’s how:
Don’t Visit Foreign Websites That Offer Free Primogems

Not for games Genshin Impact Of course, there are also many websites out there that take advantage of the desires of players by offering various things. The way this website works usually tells the victim to enter ID / Email and Password.
Accounts that are not Bind Email or No. Mobile

In every game we play, of course it is familiar to hear the name Bind Account. This aims to maintain the security of your account as well as additional protection as well.
So, those are some ways you can follow to keep your Genshin Impact account safe. Hopefully, after following some of the methods above, your account will be safe and secure.
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