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How To Turn Into Priest - Ragnarok M Eternal Love SEA

Contributed by: Muflih Dhia Yudhistira

Just like other RPG games, there must be one role to provide support for other players. In Ragnarok, jobs Acolyte, Priest and so on became positions that left that role.

In this guide, Game Fever ID will tell you how to change from Acolyte to Priest.

The main requirement that you must fulfill is that your job level must be at 40. After you touch level 40, you will automatically get two quests where you can choose between Priest and Monk. After that you have to meet the Laiyinasi NPC at Adventure HQ in Prontera.

After talking to Laiyinasi, you are required to talk to NPC Thomasville who is in front of the Prontera church.

After talking to Thomasville, you will be asked to talk to all of the priests for you to ask for letters of recommendation so that you can become priests.

NPC Yusk who was in Geffen

NPC Mdida residing in Morroc

Rupacafara NPC in West Prontera

After you have succeeded in getting recommendations from the three priests, you will be asked to return to Thomasville which is in Prontera. After talking to Thomasville, you will be sent to a room to defeat 7 Mummy. It shouldn’t be that hard to beat the 7 Mummy.

After defeating the 7 Mummies, you will be met with 3 MVPs: Drake, Smoking Cat, and Baphomet. They will invite you to join the darkness. If you answer yes, you will fail the quest and will be required to kill 7 more Mummies.

You only need to answer no to the three MVPs then you will continue to the next quest. After answering the three MVPs, Thomasville will provide questions for you to answer. The question is not that difficult, but take it easy because we have summarized the answers.

After you answer the question correctly, then you will be sent to the hall to undergo the ceremony process, and congratulations! You are now Priest.

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