How to Use Skin Among Us for Free, Without Cheats!

G.ame Among Us, become one of the viral games that are worldwide and much in demand by many circles. The reason is, Among Us is a unique game that is fun to play together with friends. Not only that, it’s now a game Among US offers Free Skins or Costumes to play in-game Among Us.
If previously in the game Among Us, it can be played by changing its appearance as you wish, but some additional costumes still have to be purchased before being used by the players.
Not much is known, that it turns out to be a skin or a costume Among Us you can get it for free in a way that is not difficult, even quite easy. This free costume can be obtained by adjusting existing moments, such as moments during Halloween, even Christmas.

A way to get free costumes or skins in the game Among Us, game player Among Us on the user Android or iOS, can try the following ways:
For players Among Us Android version, you can enter the menu, the Settings option then adjust the date and time settings. The next stage, you need to turn off the date and time settings that are set automatically, and change them manually on 31 October 2021, or 25 December 2021, according to your choice, at that moment you will get a special Halloween skin or costume for free. Christmas
And for players Among Us iOS version, just like what users of the Andorid version do, you can get a free Among Us skin or costume by changing the date, and setting the automatic time to manual with that date, 31 October 2021, or 25 December 2021.
Some of the free skins or costumes that you will get later are accessories, accents that match the moment you choose later. And after successfully getting a skin or costume Among Us for free, you can change the date and time settings back automatically, without removing the skins or costumes that you get.
Among Us Game known, can be played online up to 10 players at once. This game has the same way of playing as the Warewolf game with two main types of roles, namely Crewmate and Impostor. The explanation of the role of Crewmate is the role of the protagonist who is obliged to win against the role of the antagonist, or impostor. However, if the crewmare fails to complete the mission, the impostor can win and kill every crewmate.
Among Us just booming in the last few weeks, it turns out the game Among Us already present in 2021 ago. It’s just that, it turns out that this online game has only become famous in 2021 today.
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