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Must Know! This is the meaning of the 7 specialties of Mobile Legends heroes

GridGames.ID – Surely you often see or hear specialties in Mobile Legends games such as Reap, Poke, Damage, Crowd Control, and others.

Maybe there are those who only hear but don’t understand these specialties.

There are 7 specialties in all heroes in Mobile Legends, there are Reap, Poke, Damage, Crowd Control, Burst Damage, Charge and Regen.

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Well, for those who still don’t understand, here is an explanation of the specialties of the hero in Mobile Legends.

1. Reap

Layla, Hero Marksman Mobile Legends


Layla, Hero Marksman Mobile Legends

You will often find this specialty in the Marksman hero. This is because the Marksman hero HP is the lowest HP among other roles.

Hero role Marksman is the hero most often targeted by enemies, so with the specialty of Reap, Marksman can collect enemies who are after him.

Because nowadays Mobile Legends often combine two roles in one hero, heroes outside the Marksman role who are also targeted by the enemy have the specialty of Reap.

Examples of Mobile Legends heroes with the specialty of Reap are Layla, Martis, Selena, Claude, Hanzo, and Thamuz.

2. Poke

Vexana Mobile Legends


Vexana Mobile Legends

You must often see poke writing when opening hero details in Mobile Legends. Almost all heroes in Mobile Legends also have a poke specialty. What is the meaning?

So, Poke is a specialty for heroes who have a relatively short cooldown skill. Usually heroes who have this specialty have a way of playing that likes to trouble opponents.

The Poke-type specialties are also owned by heroes whose damage is sick during the early game, and the damage appears gradually as the level increases.

Examples of Poke specialty heroes in Mobile Legends are Cyclops, Uranus, Nana, Vexana, Lunox, and Angela.

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3. Crowd Control / CC

Ruby Mobile Legends


Ruby Mobile Legends

Here it is a specialty that is often abbreviated as CC, namely Crowd Control. What is the Crowd Control specialty hero?

Heroes with CC specialties are very beneficial for the team, because they have skills that can give slow, stun, knock-up effects, as well as immobilize the enemy.

All of the effects mentioned above are very dangerous for the targeted heroes, because they can make them easier to kill.

Examples of Mobile Legends heroes with Crowd Control specialties are Nana, Minotaur, Ruby, Lolita, and Johnson.

4. Damage

Eudora Mobile Legends


Eudora Mobile Legends

Damage type specialties are specialties that rely on the amount of damage from skills that can only be given to one opponent hero.

Because of this, skills from special Damage heroes usually have relatively short cooldown times, such as specialty Poke.

Usually, the specialty of Damage is owned by heroes in the Mage role, because Mage has the skill with the highest damage among other hero roles.

Examples of Mobile Legends heroes with special damage are Eudora, Gord, Kagura, Harley, and Pharsa.

5. Burst Damage

Gusion Mobile Legends

Screenshot of Mobile Legends

Gusion Mobile Legends

Unlike Damage, Burst Damage is a specialty that can inflict great damage on heroes, but has a process by increasing the items used to become large and painful.

Usually a hero who has a specialty Burst Damage has damage to the area, but the cooldown must be long.

Examples of Mobile Legends heroes with Burst Damage specialties are Lesley, Jawhead, Gusion, Valir, Martis and Hanabi.

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6. Charge

Harith Mobile Legends


Harith Mobile Legends

Well, if the specialty of this Charge is usually owned by heroes who have strong Blink or Dash skills, of course.

Why do heroes have Blink skills? Because this is good for teams and skills that can make it easier for the team to know when it’s time to run away and attack.

So, we can be sure that this hero with the specialty of Charge is very agile to the point of being difficult to kill.

This type of specialty is usually in the hero who leads the game.

Examples of Mobile Legends heroes with specialization Charge are Harith, Badang, Kadita, Saber, and Karina.

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7. Regen

The appearance of the latest Rafaela Mobile Legends


The appearance of the latest Rafaela Mobile Legends

From the name alone, you must know what the specialty of Regen is. Yep, Regen’s specialty is usually found in tank and support heroes.

This specialty is the specialty of heroes who have healing skills against themselves and their teammates who are nearby.

Examples of Regen’s specialty Mobile Legends heroes are Rafaela, Estes, Hylos, Angela and Belerick.

At this point, you already understand the specialties of Mobile Legends heroes, right?

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