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Nami, the Most Disgusting One Piece Character!

Sexy Character Nami

Nami is a fictional character from the anime and manga series One Piece creation Eiichiro Oda. He is a sexy and awesome pirate who serves as the navigator of the Straw Hat Pirates. However, Nami also has a very bad character, which makes boys dislike her. Here are the bad qualities that exist in Nami.

1. Likes to take advantage of his friends


Nami often uses her friends for her personal gain. He even likes to use his charm and sexiness to seduce Sanji, treating the chef of the straw hat pirate crew like a slave. He knew Sanji liked him but he didn’t really care, even if Usop was also teased by him to want to repair his weapon.

2. Money, long hands too


When she heard the words treasure, gold, and money, a woman matre or money, she immediately stepped on the gas and was willing to do anything to get that share. For the sake of money he was willing to betray and take advantage of the situation? it’s crazy girl

3. Calculation and manipulative


As a smart girl, Nami naturally avoids the things she doesn’t like and prefers to give this burden to others. This is his cunning and manipulative nature, it seems obvious. There are often many excuses when asked to and use other people’s beliefs in them to manipulate, other people.

4. “Hobby” indulgence aurat


Having a sexy friend or crush is what boys dream of. But guys don’t like it when their girls are over-showing their sexiness. Moreover, spit out genitals in front of other people.

5. Likes to organize other people


Maybe many of you are aware that Nami has a hobby of managing other people like a person boss. Sometimes it can exceed the status of Luffy as Captain. Meanwhile, Nami only served as navigator which is in charge of determining the direction of the ship the passengers are riding in crewman The Straw Hat Pirates.

Well, that’s Nami’s bad character which is able to make the “auto” guy get sick of a number of these traits, which one do you dislike the most? keep up with GameZero and get interesting articles about anime, games, movies, and more!

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