PS5 Allegedly Only Worth 6-7 Million Rupiah?

PS5 has become one of the most eagerly awaited game consoles for gamers until now. The reason is that in addition to the exclusive games offered, Sony as the developer of the device also adds an elegant design to this next-gen console. Apart from all that, it is still a mystery at this time, how much is the price offered for this game console from Sony?
Reporting from one of the well-known gaming news websites, TweakTown, that the famous Spanish retailer “El Corte Ingles” recently leaked the price of the PS5. Seen from one of the pictures they show, there are 2 pieces of code including the Aurea console and also EEnigma
There are rumors that Aurea is a PlayStation 5 Digital Edition with an offering price of USD 399 or around 6 million rupiah. Meanwhile, Enigma itself is a regular PlayStation 5 edition which is priced more expensive at around USD 499 or around 7 million Rupiah. Don’t forget, to be precise tomorrow (the time for which this article was written) on September 17 at 03.00 WIB.
Sony is holding a “PlayStation 5 Showcase” Livestream event. At the event, interesting information will be announced about the PlayStation 5, which may also inform the sale price and official release time.
How about you friends, the PS5 console is planned to be released at the end of 2021. Later there will be two versions that will be present, namely 4K Blu-ray and Digital Edition.
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