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Razer Donates 1 Million Masks

One of the well-known gaming hardware companies “Razer” has promised to produce and donate one million masks to health authorities around the world to combat the spread of the new coronavirus.

CEO Min-Liang Tan announced his initiative which was published via Twitter. “While many people stay at home to stay out of the crowd (and to play games), Razer’s team understands that we all have a role to play in fighting the virus, no matter which industry we come from,” said Tan. At the time of writing, there are 224,000 confirmed cases of the virus in 176 countries and territories. More than 9,000 people have lost their lives, and Spain has the highest increase in these cases, followed by Germany, Iran and Switzerland.

“Over the past few days, our designers and engineers have been working 24-hour shifts to transform some of our existing production lines to produce masks, so that we can donate them to countries around the world,” said Tan. “We intend to donate 1 million masks to health authorities in various countries globally.” In addition, Razer’s offices around the world will “reach out to respective governments / health authorities to see how we can prioritize the support and donations of these masks in the different countries and regions where we live.”

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