Review of 12 Battle Spells in the Mobile Legends Game

In the mobile legends game, there are 12 battle spells that have their respective strengths. This time Mimin will explain the 12 battle spells. Here are some explanations:
1. Execute

Execute, this type of battle spell is useful to add damage your attack on the enemy. However, you must remember, battle spell it only works best if you wear it near you hero enemy.
Execute, open from level one but unfortunately less desirable because it does not provide damage the big one. Apart from that the size is small damage provided when using Execute, depending on hero that you play.
2. Retribution

Battle spell Retribution This has a huge effect if you use it on monsters. The function of this battle spell is to help you kill monsters quickly, even monsters turtle or lord though.
It’s the same like Execute, battle spell retribution this is already unlocked from level 1, battle spell this is very useful for farming. Usually, the hero who uses Retribution battle spell this is a hero who has a need farming high, for example assassin and marksman.
3. Inspire

Battle spell this one function is to increase attacks hero that you play, so that the damage received by your enemy becomes even greater. You need to remember, battle spell this will only open when it reaches level 5.
Hero who usually wears battle spell this is the type of hero who really needs a very high attack speed, for example Marksman and Assassin. Battle spell this is able to optimize burst damage they had in no time.
4. Sprint

Spirnt which means running. Surely you already know all the functions of battle spell this. Yes, you are absolutely right, Sprint’s battle spell This is useful for increasing the speed of motion instant. Battle spell you can use this when chasing enemies, or to escape from enemy attacks
However because cooldown from battle spell it’s quite a while, you better wear it battle spellthis is only when it matters. You have to remember, too, the effect of battle spell It’s only 7 seconds. But if it’s not up to 7 seconds and you’ve already used the skill charge, then the effect of battle spell this too will disappear immediately.
5. Healing Spell

The players Mobile Legends must be familiar with battle spell this one because it is often used. Usefulness of Battle spell this is to recover health points (HP) hero We. When hero you play is almost dead and impossible to do recall, put on healing spell is the perfect solution.
To hero Support, really needs these healing spells, but para Hero Tank also usually wears Healing Spell to assist HP recovery (health points) them while in battle.
6. Aegis

Aegis to be one Battle Spell mainstay of the players in battle, this is due to the effect of battle spell it is able to absorb damage that you receive from the enemy. Aegis also able to absorb damage as much as 720-1420 for 3 seconds, with this great power of course it is very useful.
The cool thing is if you use it battle spell this, not only hero you alone can experience the benefits of absorption damage from Aegis this. Hero your friend who is dying also gets 50% of the effect Aegis this.
7. Stun (Petrify)

Battle spell this is often used by the hero fighter and tank when dealing with heroes like Kagura or Harley. Battle spell This can also be used when you have to hold your enemy’s hero so he can’t move.
However, the effect of battle spell This is only for a moment, which is only for 0.7 seconds. Although time is that short, if battle spell this is already in use, apart from providing stun, also give magic damage to enemies around you.
8. Purify

Purify is battle spell which is very useful because it can erase all the negative effects skill given by your enemy. If you have battle spell this is active, your hero will get additional movement speed too.
Mean battle spell This can only be used when you are chasing an enemy, or when you want to run away from an enemy. Para Fighter hero that has battle spell this, can wear skill it had without pause. By using this battle spell means being able to provide attack power to the enemy continuously without stopping.
9. Scout

Scout is a substitute for the Battle Spell Weaken. Scout is a battle spell that one of the heroes in each team must have. When this battle spell is used, this scout will place a ward in the shape of a Harper (a magic creature) to monitor the situation around him.
But you have to remember, enemy heroes can detect Harper’s presence within a certain distance. Even Harper will show himself if the hero is near him and will immediately disappear if touched by enemy heroes.
10. Flicker

Flicker This is battle spell which allows hero you guys to do teleport or move places. With this Battle Spell, hero you have the ability to jump far away in any direction you aim Battle Spell this.
Very lucky if you use Flicker to chase the enemy or to escape from the enemy’s pursuit. Tricks to use from battle spell the way to escape is to activate it to “penetrate” the wall. But wear it battle spell this is only an important time because flicker have time cooldown which is old.
11. Arrival

Arrival, is actually quite difficult to use, because you have to direct it inside turret or minion team. After teleport successful, target turret or minion will be hit by status invincible for 1 second.
By wearing type battle spell This is to defend the base from the crowd minion just got easier, even then hero you are in a position far from turret. This battle spell not very useful at low rank, but very useful at a competitive level or rank high level.
12. Vengeance

Vengeance is battle spell new which has an effect similar to Blade Armor. The function of vengeance this is, it provides a reflection magic damage to anyone who attacks its users. Vengeance often used by the herotank who was in the midst of the enemy.
Mmagic damage This battle spell was very large which was reflected by vengeance depending on the amount basic attack received by the user vengeance. Therefore, vengeance this is battle spell which is really terrible for heroes that has speed attack tall like Claude.
Here are some of the functions of the 12 battle spell in the Mobile Legends game. If used properly, battle spell this can help your hero and the team to win inside war. So guys, don’t choose the wrong one battle spell yeah!
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