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Stalker Guide - Ragnarok M Eternal Love

This guide was written by: Samsull Safii

Stalker is an advanced job from Rogue. The debuff-type skills are very troublesome for enemies such as Strip Shield and Strip Accessory which can remove Shield / offhand and enemy / player Accessory. Stalker has additional passive skills that allow removing all enemy / player equipment when using the Strip skill.

40 job status bonuses:

STR +23

AGI +46

VIT +1

INT +1

DEX +8

LUK +16

The advantages of the Stalker job:

  • High flee makes it easier to hunt on aggressive maps.
  • Good flexibility because you can use Dagger and Bow weapons.
  • The debuff skill is very useful for PVP and WoE.

Lack of job Stalker:

  • Medium damage is hard for 1 hit kill monster.
  • Small HP and SP.
  • Less favorite for Endless Tower, Dojo, and Valhalla Ruins.

Stalker skills:

TRIANGLE SHOOT : shoots 3 arrows at once with 190% ATK damage for each arrow.

(must wear a bow)

ROGUE NATURE (passive): Permanently increases +1 DEX and + 1% ASPD of each level

SNATCHER (passive): Possibility of doing SNATCH (rogue skill) when doing auto attack.

INTIMIDATE : do 200% ATK attack on enemy and bring him random teleport in 1 map. The target cannot move for 2 seconds after being teleported.

VANISHED : immediately enter HIDING Mode for 5 seconds. When this skill is active, all damage and anti-hiding skills will not be able to remove the Stalker from hiding mode. Damage taken is reduced by 60%.

PURSUIT STATE (passive): increased by 1.5% ATK damage to enemies affected by Slow, Stun, Darkness, and those hit by Close Cofine.

DISABLING STRIKE : Deals 150% ATK damage to enemies and reduces healing effect -15% per level for 5 seconds.

SHIELD STRIP : removes target’s shield for 4 seconds with a 9% chance. If used on Non Boss monsters, it will reduce defense by -50%.

ACCESSORY STRIP : removes the target accessory for 4 seconds with a 9% chance. If used on Non Boss monsters, it will reduce the attack by -30%.

STRIP BOOTS (passive): When doing the Strip Shield, it will increase the possibility to remove the target’s Boots. Increases Strip Shield success rate by 9%.

STRIP HELMET (passive): when doing the Strip Shield will increase the possibility to remove the target’s helmet. Increases Strip Shield success rate by 9%.

STRIP ARMOR (passive): when doing the Strip Shield will increase the chance to remove the target’s Armor. Increases Strip Shield success rate by 9%.

DOUBLE ACCESSORY STRIP (Passive): When doing Strip Accessory, it will increase 30% chance to release all target Accessory. Increases the chance of success with Strip Accessory by 9%.

WEAPON STRIP (passive): When doing Strip Accessory, it will increase 30% chance to release target WEAPON. Increases the chance of success with Strip Accessory by 9%.

How to change Job Stalker:

After reaching Rogue job 40, activate the job change quest at character status. You will be asked to go to Prontera.

Meet NPC Higgy Ez at Adventure League HQ Prontera

Talk to NPC Higgy Ez.

You will be directed to meet NPC Ysmir.

Talk to the NPC Ysmir and select Change to Stalker

Then select Choose this job

After that you will be asked to meet NPS Sybil in Izlude

Choose Take the Test

You will be asked to find the Pharaoh Key from the Dark Priest monster in Pyramid 2F

Kill the Dark Priest until you get 1 Pharaoh Key

After getting the Pharaoh Key, you will be asked to investigate 1 area of ​​the tomb.

Use the Pharaoh Key to open the tomb.

It turned out that what came out was Dark Deviruchi !!! Get rid of them !!!!

Dark Deviruchi has been destroyed, it turns out to be a fake tomb. Find another 1 Pharaoh Key from the Dark Priest.

After getting 1 Pharaoh Key immediately investigate the next grave area.

Use the Pharaoh Key to open the tomb.

Wow! Hurry up and destroy Dark Pharaoh !!!

Return to NPC Sybil in Izlude after destroying Dark Pharaoh.

You will be asked to meet NPC Mathay Siv in Prontera

Talk to NPC Mathay Siv then he will ask you to enter the room behind him to read the Book of Ymir.

After reading it then go back to NPC Mathay Siv.

You will be transferred to the change room. Getting ready!!!!

Keep moving forward! Straighten your body! Meet NPC Sybil

READY !!!!

^ _ ^ ^ _ ^ ^ _ ^ Taraaaaaaaaaaaa!

After days of struggle, he finally succeeded in becoming a Stalker !!!! Ready to hunt again !!!

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