Crusader Guide - Ragnarok M Eternal Love
This guide was written by: Andhiek
Crusaders are a variant of the Swordsman job besides Knights, they are a flexible class, with good physical strength and also their shrewdness with chastity-based skills. Expert Crusaders use a combination of swords and shields or even with spears, even they can become protectors from their comrades with high physical defense that makes the opponent trembling, they also swear to protect the homeland from darkness, eradicate the monsters of darkness with holiness and their faith in fighting on behalf of the gods of Rune Midgard.
Additional Attributes
STR + 21
AGI + 6
VIT + 26
INT + 1
DEX + 11
LUK + 1
(Max Job Level 40)
Pros of Job Crusader
+ Vitality Bonus Crusader is quite high (+26), making this job suitable for tank class, because max HP, HP regeneration & Defense which is good, especially when accompanied by good armor and shield. Crusaders will be able to channel the damage of your party mates so that they can eradicate enemies safely.
+ Crusader has Strength Bonus good (+21) and also you can develop skills Spear Mastery from the Crusader so that your physical damage will also increase.
+ Skill Cavalry Combat useful for riding Peco Peco, where your movement speed will be doubled, and you can attack from above. Very useful for PVP when chasing players with ranged attacks, or magic.
+ Skill Holy Cross and Divine Protection designed to make you fight monsters Undead effectively.
Lack of Job Crusader
– Agility Bonus of the Crusader is pretty low, make ASPD & Flee they are bad.
– In terms of offense, Crusader is not flexible enough in comparison Knight, because their skills are more defensive and supportive based, they won’t be able to hunt effectively without being accompanied by a good DPS class, for example Hunter
– Crusaders will have a little trouble solo grinding quickly because of their low offensive skills.
How To Turn Into Crusader
First of all, after your Swordsman character reaches job level 10, the quest to change the job to Crusader will appear, to start you have to go to Adventure Hall and talk on Toukyou where you turned into swordsmen. select Change to Crusader to start the exam.
Before changing, you can first check the skills, additional attributes of the Crusader job if you want to change your mind, if you are sure, choose the top option to continue.
After that you will be transferred to Crusader HQ north of Prontera, and all you have to do is talk to Muky Travins.
He will tell you to be baptized and purified before starting his test, you must meet Thomasville in front of Prontera Church.
Before baptism, you are obliged to have 100 Red Potions, 50 White Potions & 10 Blue Gemstone, if you don’t have one, you can buy them at the nearest item shop, and they are quite cheap and easy to get. Return to Crusader HQ when you’re done talking to Thomasville.
Muky Travins will start to test your abilities, fortitude and also your passion, as a Crusader you are required not to thirst for blood and slaughter anything in front of you with dark eyes, you will be transferred to a ruin where you are required to walk from the beginning to the end of the place and meet a Paladin named Mulemac Memoon WITHOUT attack any monster along the way no matter how painful they may be, make sure VIT you are enough so that you can pass this test easily.
Talk to him and tell him that being a Crusader is important to you. You will be transferred back to Crusader HQ.
Please report to Muky Travins and he will be happy with your results, after which he will tell Gabriel Valentino to give you a question that you must answer first.
The first question was “When fighting Undead enemies, is Holy Damage better.”
Please answer the circle choice.
Then the final question is “Before the death of Munak and Bongun, were they neighbors?” Answer the circle choices.
After that there is still the last test before you officially become a Crusader, Gabriel Valentino will send you to a room with monsters to meditate for about one minute to test your fortitude, keep in mind that you DO NOT kill any monsters here to pass.
After that you will return to Crusader HQ, talk to Muky Travins and he will move you to the Job Change Hall for the inauguration.
Good luck!
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