Valorant Patch 2.01 Update Presents Various Gameplay Changes

Valorant released a number of updates which are in patch 2.01
GridGames.ID – Riot Games finally announced the latest Patch 2.01 update with various changes for the Valorant title.
In this latest update, they will fix the Split map, Agent Jett, the AFK system and the bugs that existed in the previous version.
The first is an improvement to the map of Split which is controversial by many fans.
Yup, the map now has many changes in terms of the environment or environment.
Developers change various angles and open certain areas on the map.
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Second, nerf is applied to an agent named Jett.
Smoke Jett’s ability to have 7 seconds is now reduced to 4.5 seconds.
This was done because of Cloudburst’s older capabilities and allowed Jett to fill the role of Controller.
Riot Games didn’t want Duelist characters to surpass other roles, so they implemented nerf.
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In addition, they have also changed the queuing system for players who have done AFK.
They also want to make sure that people with connection problems are not severely punished, but those who are deliberately AFK will receive a harsher penalty.

Riot Games
VALORANT’s new agent, Yoru
It seems that Riot Games understands the problem with the current state of the game, and has fixed various bugs in the previous version.
For information about the complete Valorant 2.01 patch, you can visit the official website of Valorant, guys.
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