6 Types of PUBG Cheats That Make You Disturbed

In every online and offline game, there will definitely be a cheat. With so many people playing the game, more and more people cheat to win when playing the game, including this popular game, PUBG Mobile.
Here are some types of cheats that are often used by people:
Aim Bot / Auto Aim

This type of cheat is most often encountered in this game. For those who use the cheat aim bot, it is very easy to direct the shot towards the opponent automatically directed in the targeted direction.
Wall Hack and Wall Shot

Wall hack is a cheat that the user can see through people even though the person is behind a wall or covered in anything. This cheat is very hated because those who use it can know the whereabouts of their opponents and can attack suddenly.
Speed Hack and Flying Hack

Speed hack and flying hack are types of cheats that are also widely used by people. For this type of user, he will be able to get knocked quickly and be able to move quickly. The same is the case with the flying hack, where users can fly vehicles into the air, both motorbikes and cars.
No Recoil Hack

No recoil is a type of cheat that functions to make it easier to target your opponent. If people play purely, shooting the target becomes quite difficult because the target is moving and the sharpness of the shot is wobbling. Unlike using this type of chat, they can very easily target their opponent without even shaking it.
Instant Revive and Instant Healing

Instant Revive and Instant Healing are types of cheats that are not very useful and are rarely used. because this type of cheat can only fill blood quickly and help friends quickly.
Speed Looting Hack

Speed looting is also very much used by cheaters. Because this type of cheat only functions to speed up the looting of weapons from dead opponents. So, it is less useful for cheater users.
Those are some of the cheats that are often encountered when playing PUBG Mobile.
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