Assassin's Creed Valhalla Brings The Deadly Hidden Blade Back!

Assasin’s creed is an adventure game with the theme of action and war. at this time assassin creed has presented the latest version, namely valhalla. Recently this game brings back a very deadly hidden blade. Unfortunately, this system itself is not exactly perfect. One of them is because the position of Hidden Blade is categorized as just a weapon that cannot always kill enemies, especially at higher levels, with only one stab. But this situation will change in Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla.
Ubisoft seems to want to encourage a stronger stealth sensation for Valhalla and ensure a stealth style of gameplay is now a more reliable option. Talking with Kotaku, the creative director – Ashraf Ismail confirmed that the Assassin’s flagship weapon – Hidden Blade will be deadly again. That unlike the previous series where the damage he generates depends on the enemy’s level, Hidden Blade in Valhalla will now always produce one-hit kills like the old Assassin’s Creed series.
Another stealth feature – Social Stealth where we will socialize with the crowd will now also be back in Valhalla. This feature makes a lot of sense when it comes to Valhalla’s story – where a Viking who didn’t want to be present in England took advantage of the crowd to hide and disappear. Meanwhile, from the lore side, Ismail said that Eivor would not be described as a trained Assassin. He was more of a Viking who saw the hidden blade as a cool weapon that he wanted to use effectively.
Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla itself is scheduled to be released in the 2021 holiday season, still without an exact date, for the Playstation 4, Playstation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, and of course – PC (via Epic Games Store and uPlay). How about you? Interested in this one series?
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