The Sims 4's Weird Bug, Can Spit Fire Pee!

Every time The Sims 4 having an update there are always some interesting bugs, in the latest updates this game has a bug that is quite strange and also interesting.
So what do bugs look like? yes, have you ever imagined someone who was urinating but that person actually put out a fire? strange enough right? The bug was encountered by a Twitter user named @Simmerdmitriy the middle one shows the character The Sims 4 while urinating.
Many people think that this is an ordinary bug, like the previous one which showed a baby trapped in a void and lost forever because of geometry.
In addition there is a Reddit user, Ruinthefun, who is looking at the contents of the game code The Sims 4 and says:
“I think their side built this code on purpose, because your Sims have a 50% chance of causing a toilet fire, unless you’ve specifically upgraded it. Still, it’s hard to say for sure whether this code was intentionally written into the game just to test the feature without removing it, or if their development team just wanted to keep The Sims 4 players entertained? yes maybe. “
In addition to bugs, there are problems regarding some players who claim to have saved the game, but save the data instead becomes corrupted after updating. Hopefully this problem will be continued and corrected by EA.
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