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Bandai Namco to Release Doraemon: Story of Seasons for PlayStation 4!

Last year, Marvelous and Bandai Namco released one of the newest gardening simulation games that brought collaboration from two major franchises and was quite successful in attracting a lot of attention from fans, namely Doraemon Story of Seasons. This game originally appeared on the Nintendo Switch and PC via Steam. However, Bandai Namco recently announced through its press release that Doraemon: Story of Seasons will also be released for the PlayStation 4 console.

This news is certainly good news for those of you who have been waiting for this game to be released on PlayStation for a long time.

Doraemon: Story of Season will be released first for Japan region

Besides, They also announced that Doraemon Story of Seasons for PS4, it will be released in Japan and Asia on July 30, 2021. Meanwhile, the western version of the release will only follow on September 4, 2021. It is possible that the Asian version has English subtitles so you don’t need to worry.

In games This, later you will follow the story of Nobita and his friends in a world called Natura.

You can farm, raise livestock, interact with villagers, and go on a number of interesting adventures. While farming and tending your livestock, you will also look for some secret gadgets that disappear in certain seasons.

Well, for my friend GameZeRO which the PlayStation 4 doesn’t have, Doraemon: Story of Seasons is now available and you can play it on the Nintendo Switch and PC.

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