Cheat Among Us, Can Use All Skins, Hats, and Pets!

Cheat Among Us is something gamers who want to get more from a game are looking for. Usually to get something more we have to pay a certain amount of money to get it.
In the game Among Us itself provides skin, hat, and pet services which can be obtained by buying services in the game. By purchasing this service, players can use various skin, hat, and pet features in the game.
But for those of you who don’t have funds or are lazy to spend money to get this skin. There is a cheat that you can use to unlock all skins, hats, and pets for free. But use this cheat wisely, don’t interfere with the other members’ playing comfort.
Cheat Among Us
The first step, if you have already installed Among us from Google Playstore, please uninstall it first. Next, please download the Mod Among Us Apk at the link below.
After you finish downloading, please install the apk immediately. Then open Among Us which you just installed. In the game, the cheat icon will appear as shown below.

Now if the cheat icon appears, you just click on the icon to adjust the settings to unlock all skins, pets, and hats. Follow the settings below to activate the unlock feature for all skins, pets, and hats. Remember, don’t activate other features besides the one I demonstrated in the image below!

Now after you activate the settings as shown in the picture, please enjoy all the skins, pets, and also the hat: D. Oh yeah, before activating this cheat feature, enter the room first. Remember don’t activate other features or you will be kicked from the game or Discord !.
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