February Update, CS: GO Introducing Patch Feature!

February Update, CS: GO Introducing Patch Feature!, Counter Strike: Global Offensive (CS: GO) recently introduced a new feature in their latest update which was released a few days ago, to be precise on 2/24/2020.
There have been many updates and improvements made by Valve Corporation as the developer of this game with the Fps genre. With the presence of the update that was released a few days ago, the developer hopes that players can play games more comfortably and safely.
In the previous version CS: GO itself received various complaints from its players, they claimed to find various bugs such as bugs in the Breach map, Studio map, in addition to the bugs in the map there were other bugs such as the absence of a demage bug when the granade was released, and some players claimed to have experienced it. stuck while crossing the map divider.
February Update, CS: GO Introducing Patch Feature!
With the release of the latest update from CS: GO, the developer has made bug fixes or bug fixes for various complaints from players. In addition to making improvements to the bug update, this time it also presents several changes to the Map Breach side which has changed the location of Bombiste A.
It is not enough that the developer also adds a new feature which they call Patch, this patch itself functions to customize agents, maps, weapons, and stickers, which can be used now to make your character look cooler.
But the drawback of this patch feature itself is that it can only be used once, and getting it is relatively easy to get through the opening crate, or buy it directly.
Intrigued by the details of the latest CS: GO update ?, here we describe the details!
Patch Notes for 2/24/2020
- Introducing patches – new customization items that can be applied to any agent you have. Once applied, the patch can be removed but not recovered.
- Additional support for shuffling agents equipped in their loading slots.
- Added agents who are equipped to purchase menus.
- Switch the item purchase view to the buy wheel.
- Bringing up the buy menu will now center the mouse pointer on the center of the buy wheel.
- Added localization support for currency symbol positions for in-game prices.
- Added support for editing and previewing crosshairs in game options.
- Added support for sharing and importing crosshair sharing codes.
- Fix the place stuck in the middle
- Repaired long. Wingman clip not working
- Adds additional clippings to the middle ladder
- Minor visual improvements
- Prevent weapons from being cut through the door near the window site.
- Cuts the mark on A-long, preventing the player (and bomb) from reaching the top.
- Clipping was improved in several areas.
– Studio
- Improved clipping and geometry around the site.
- The top window is removed the unplayable area above the site B.
- Fixed a player who did not take damage from the bomb detonation.
- Clipping is improved on the map.
- Fix the spots that got stuck in the bomb.
- Fixed an issue with players leaving the map.
- Better visuals from CT / T Streets
- Added bomb target decals to every site.
- The acceleration of the AWP curl movement is now constant and will not spike after firing.
- Increased max fps limit up to 400 to support monitors with higher refresh rates.
- Fixed a transform matrix bug when the navblocker was installed via a rotated dot template.
- Fixed underwater rendering crash on OSX.
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