Finally, Ghost of Tsushima Receives a New Release Date!

Currently, Ghost of Tsushima is one of the RPG (Role-playing Game) games that PlayStation 4 gamers are eagerly awaiting because this game presents a very interesting story concept. The good news is that finally Sony as the publisher has officially announced the release date of its newest release.
Previously, the Japanese feudal game by Sucker Punch was originally planned for release on June 26, 2021, but had to be postponed. This made the fans a little disappointed. Well, Sony Interactive Entertainment has recently announced the latest release date for the Ghost of Tsushima game, which is July 17, 2021.
Through his official blog, head of SIE World Wide Studio, Hermen Hulst said that the change in release date was due to the COVID-19 pandemic which disrupted the game development stage.
As known, Ghost of Tsushima himself tells how the struggle of Jin Sakai in 13th century Japan. At that time, Japan was being invaded by Mongolian troops led by Khotun Khan. Jin is the only survivor of his clan and will do anything to reclaim his hometown, Tsushima.
In addition, in this game, you can freely explore the island of Tsushima. There are many locations that you can find ranging from dense forests, grasslands, villages and trade centers, to holy shrines.
Ghost of Tsushima is planned to be released exclusively on the PlayStation 4. There is no information at all regarding the presence of this game on other platforms such as PC.
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