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Gunadarma University Wins 2021 PMCC PUBG Mobile Tournament

Gunadarma University Wins 2021 PMCC PUBG Mobile Tournament

Gunadarma University Wins 2021 PMCC PUBG Mobile Tournament, PUBG Mobile Campus Championship 2021 or better known as PMCC 2021 has officially completed the entire series of activities. This event itself was enlivened by the brilliant performance of top singer Marion Jola who successfully entertained the audience.

The tournament, which is said to be the biggest in the realm of Indonesian student affairs, successfully attracted a total of 64 universities to compete with each other for trophies in this event. PMCC 2021 offers a prize of Rp. 50,000,000 for 1st place, Rp. 25,000,000 2nd place, and Rp. 10,000,000 for 3rd place.

The PUBG Mobile Campus Championship itself managed to get a MURI record for the category “Most Offline Esports Competitions on Campuses.” This is proven by so many teams who registered for this event, but in the end only 64 teams were selected that will compete in the main event round later.

Gunadarma University Wins 2021 PMCC PUBG Mobile Tournament

The 2021 PUBG Mobile Champus Championship (PMCC) tournament has finally completed its entire series of matches. There are 16 teams from 16 universities in Indonesia who will compete with each other in the Grand Final party which will be held for two consecutive days.

After playing ten matches or matches this tournament itself has one team that managed to come out as winners. Gunadarma University is the team that managed to come out as winners in the tournament that earned this MURI record.

Gunadarma University itself is entitled to a prize of Rp. 50.000.0000 thanks to their good performance so that they can reach the top of the championship at this event. The team’s brilliant appearance cannot be separated from their one star player, Jeixy, who was previously a pro-player from the Evos Esports team.

Jeixy himself, who previously had a lot of experience in navigating the world of Esports competitions for the PUBG Mobile tournament, had a positive impact on his new team, this was proven by the selection of Jeixy as Terminator at PMCC 2021.

For the second and third places PMCC 2021 was successfully occupied by Sam Ratulangi University for second place and Mataram University which successfully completed the top three positions in this tournament. For the second position, you will receive a prize of Rp. 25,000,000 and Rp. 10,000,000 for the third position.

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