Hurry up Brush! Total War: Shogun 2 is now permanently free on Steam

After previously announced that the strategy game Total War: Shogun 2 will soon be free on the Steam platform. Well, today is the day when the game is made free for those of you who want to play the game for free or for free.
You can claim this game made by Creative Assembly and published by SEGA for free via Steam and once you claim it, it will automatically be saved in your library permanently. In addition, Total War: Shogun 2 is one of the best strategy games that was popular during its time and is perfect for those of you who like strategy games.
Later you will be given the opportunity to make claims against this game for a limited time. Because if you are late and want to have Total War: Shogun 2 above May 2, then you have to buy the game at normal prices on Steam.
As information, Total War: SHOGUN 2 itself is a Real-Time Strategy game with the theme of the Japanese feudal era that will place you as a warlord or warlords who of course have a mission to defeat 9 other warlords to unite Japan, or realistically kill all your enemy troops to rule Japan. . Players must develop tactics and war strategies so they don’t lose when attacked by enemies.
This game was first released in 2011 and is available on the Windows, MacOS, and Linux platforms. So what are you waiting for, hurry up and brush the game, friend GameZeRO before it’s too late!
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