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Miya, Eudora and Zilong Mobile Legends Finally Get Revamp, So OP?

The thing that has been waiting for so long by Mobile Legends players will finally be realized, because recently Moonton has taken three legendary heroes namely Miya, Eudora and Zilong on the Advance Server.

Previously, Moonton had also robbed several old heroes such as Bruno, Yi Shun Shin and Freya. However, this time they are bringing another old hero revamp again so that they can compete with the current META Hero.

updates to the latest Advanced Server (Photo / Edd)

Moreover, Miya, Eudora and Zilong are rarely played by pro Mobile Legends players. Given that these three heroes are far from meta competitive. Well, here is a revamp on the three Mobile Legends heroes along with the overpowering skills on the latest Advanced server.

Miya’s second skill (Photo / Edd)


Eudora himself gets a significant revamp which lies in his passive skill. Where the passive Superconductor has will add effect skill the other when it hit his enemies.

But the most dangerous thing is the second skill, because when Eudora manages to hit one enemy, it takes effect stun will also be given to the three closest enemies at the same time.


Lastly, for Zilong himself the most visible change of all skills is on ultimate skill it has. The reason is when activated, Zilong will add movement speed and attack speed, but reduces its durability. What’s more, the cooldown that is owned in Ultimate Zilong is faster so it can always be used.

Well, what do you think? GameZeRO about the revamp on the three legendary heroes? Will it be included in META hero in the future?

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