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Onmyoji Arena Moba For Anime Lovers

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The MOBA game (multiplayer online battle arena) has developed quite rapidly. Especially after this genre entered the mobile realm, making it more practical to play in just your hand. Like Mobile Legend and Arena Of Valor, so what makes this onmyoiji arena game so different from other MOBA games. Mending Directly see Below DEH!

1. Themed Japanese Culture

Onmyoji Arena adapting the character base of the original game to create an experience MOBA which is completely new. The game also maintains the elegant and iconic Japanese cultural aesthetic of the original game.

The theme of this game will be perfect for those who like anime or Japanese. Starting from the game design and the characters are really Japanese. The time and place of this game adapted to Japan in the Heian period. So, you will see the typical buildings and sights in the iconic city of Kyoto.

The alias hero character in Onmyoji Arena I also don’t want to lose wibu-his. The heroes in this game are referred to as shikigami, which means summoned spirits. The character design is also different from MOBA mostly. If games MOBA others use such detailed 3-D character designs, Onmyoji Arena using a design with a distinctive anime style adorned with a 3-D touch.

2. Detailed Graphics and Sound Quality

The main advantage Onmyoji Arena compared to games MOBA others can say there is in terms of graphics. The visual quality that is presented is so beautiful and detailed.

The game’s graphics are also rich in color. The exact opposite is the same Vainglory as a fellow game MOBA with stunning graphics. Gothic style Vainglory honestly it makes the graphics look nice, but not that pretty when compared to Onmyoji Arena.

3. Gameplay that’s not like that

There are some fairly innovative differences in game size MOBA. One of them can be seen from the battle time system. can play in day and night situations (when killing the snake).

Next is the hero system. Every Shikigami on Onmyoji Arena can master a maximum of five skill. Different from games MOBA most of which are only four skill. amount skill active and skill the passive itself varies from hero to hero. Some have three skill active and two skill passive, there are also four skill active and one skill passive.

The game is also more varied thanks to the two system battle spell. Yep, in this game, you don’t need to be confused about choosing battle spell that matches your style of play. Because, Onmyoji Arena lets us use two battle spell all at once.

This game also implements a system emblem which is in other MOBA games. The difference is, the name emblem in this game it becomes Onmyodo. The system is practically the same, but it’s a little difficult to understand when you first play.

4. Monsters Jungle Unique and Varied

the next innovation is in the system jungle. If Mobile Legends and Vainglory have superminion strong who will help you battle the enemy, or Arena of Valor with the system buff Dark Slayer, Onmyoji Arena have a system jungling which is a little different.

There are several forest monsters that you can kill to get additional EXP, gold, and buff. Specifically for buff, there are four monsters each of which has an effect buff different. The four are Fire Kirin to give effect heal down, Water Kirin for effect armor break, Lighting Kirin for effect stun when attacking, and Wind Kirin to slow down.

These varied forest monsters certainly make the game more interesting. Of course you have to strategize to choose monsters buff which one is suitable for the characteristics of each Shikigami.

Then there is also the name Orochi (snake) where the player when he kills the Orochi, the team will get help in the form of a monster warrior where the soldier consists of 3 waves.

it’s different from the kraken, which if killed gets help in the form of an octopus that gets on the ship with the aim of destroying the enemy.

Onmyoji Arena guaranteed to hypnotize game fans MOBA who is also a fan of Japanese culture. When you get bored of playing games MOBA that’s all, this game can be a good escape.

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