PUBG Mobile PMCO 2021 banned more than 500 teams

Recently there was a PUBG Mobile tournament that got the attention of many people. The tournament is called PUBG Mobile Club Open (PMCO) 2021 Fall Split which was held on August 11, 2021. PUBG Mobile itself announced its new record because in this tournament there were 80,000 teams that took part in enlivening the PMCO 2021 tournament. However, behind all that, it was just a few days before the tournament started. Already some teams have been banned and disqualified.

PUBG Mobile provided information on their official website, that more than 80,000 teams had registered for PMCO 2021 Fall Split and they had banned and disqualified more than 500 teams assisted by the Ban Pan system. In total, 531 teams have been sanctioned by bans and disqualifications. How about Gamezero friends, behind it all let’s start to instill honesty and play fairly without using cheats!
Source: PUBG Mobile
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