The Latest Trailer from the Trilogy Fate / stay Night Movie Releases the Latest Trailer

The last film of the Fate / stay Night Heavel’s Feel trilogy will soon start airing in Japan. Yes, the movie is scheduled to be released on August 15th. To celebrate, a new trailer has also been released.
This trailer is only 15 seconds long, but it seems that it contains quite a few spoilers. So if you don’t want to be exposed to spoilers, we suggest skipping first.
【最終 章 公開 直 前 CM 公開】
い よ い よ 8 月 15 日 (土) 公開 と な る
劇場版 「Fate / stay night [Heaven’s Feel]」Ⅲ.spring song の
公開 直 前 CM が 公開 と な り ま し た!劇場版 三 部 作 で 紡 ぐ 『Fate』 シ リ ー ズ の 原点
少年 と 少女 の “願 い” を 巡 る 物語 、 こ こ に 完結– Fate / stay night (@Fate_SN_Anime) August 8, 2021
The third movie from FSN Heaven’s Feel was supposed to be released on March 23rd yesterday. But unfortunately the release has to be postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The release in America itself has also been postponed and no new date has been decided regarding the broadcast of this anime.
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