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The most complete answer key to Brain Out Level 31-60

Brain out answer keys 31-60

Brain Out is a free addictive puzzle game, Brain Out will test the IQ ability of our brain to the extent that we are able to answer difficult and entertaining questions.

However, GameZeRO friends often encounter questions that you cannot answer. So we can help you answer these questions with the Brain Out answer key that we have created. Yes, even though it’s a little bit cheating, it’s really annoying if you can’t answer the question. Immediately below are the answer keys to Brain Out levels 31 to 60.

You can download Brain Out here.

Level 31

Enlarge the rock that is behind, then count all the ants again, so there will be 17 ants in all.

Level 32

Slide the woman into the center of the seesaw.

Level 33

Drag the text and clouds to reveal the sun and make liquid ice.

Level 34

Just give the carrots directly to the rabbit.

Level 35

Zoom in on the boat on the river.

Level 36

3 + 3 + 6 = 12, you can choose the number 2x.

Level 37

Enter everything including the text.

Level 38

Take the mouse and hold it close to the hammer.

Level 39

Turn your cellphone screen, then take the key that is near the bucket to open the cage.

Level 40

1 + 2 + 3 + 11 + 2 + 3 + 11 + 2 + 3 + 1 = 39.

Level 41

You better watch the video.

Level 42

Open the door for Zozo’s mother to wake him up.

Level 43

Then 5 = 1.

Level 44

Get rid of glass number 1 first, then the glass that will be fully filled first is glass no.4.

Level 45

The biggest number is 965 if you move the matchstick that is in number 9 to number 3.

Level 46

Move the line under the number one to the question mark to form the number 2.

Level 47

Take the girl’s bag to Tom to get her attention.

Level 48

Base the UFO so that the aliens get out of the UFO.

Level 49

Move it roulette it to the gift box.

Level 50

Rotate the cell phone screen according to the direction of the problem.

Level 51

Move the fries first to bring up the actual number which is 9.

Level 52

The panda is in the fourth row on the right.

Level 53

Use your finger as an eraser to remove the paint by rubbing it many times.

Level 54

Press 3x orange, then 3x green and wait about 2 seconds for the box to turn green again.

Level 55

Rub the lamp, when the genie comes out, press the book behind the genie,

Level 56

Circle, because a circle has infinite sides or doesn’t even have sides.

Level 57

Shake your cell phone to wake the boy.

Level 58

4 + 5 = 9, don’t let the above figures influence you

Level 59

Shake your phone until the ball enters the ring.

Level 60

Press the nose of the pig so he can’t breathe.

How about GameZeRO friends, have we helped you to answer questions that you are not able to answer? For the answer key level 61-90, you can see it here.


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