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The Most Exciting Missions in GTA V

Grand Thef Auto (GTA) 5 is a game that true gamers are familiar with. GTA V is very different from previous versions, the 5th version is much more interesting because of the very good graphics display and more exciting adventures. Previously, this game could only be played on PS 4 & Xbox, but now it’s available on PC too. However, unfortunately this game is paid and is quite expensive. If you have bought this game, I guarantee you won’t lose because you will definitely be very satisfied with the journey of this GTA 5 game.

The hallmark of this game is that there are many missions, some of the most exciting of which are:

1. Minor Turbulence

Minor Turbulence, In this mission we act as Trevor which aims to hijack a cargo plane that is in the air. To arrive at the plane, we have to use a propeller plane and wait until the cargo door of the target plane opens and have to crash the plane into the cargo plane. This mission is so exciting!

2. The Palteo Score

The Paleto Score is a very brutal and explosive theft mission, characters Trevor put on a set body armor and minigun to fight the police. However, in the end, our three characters are confronted by several tanks which eventually require you to run away.

3. Deep Inside

Mission Deep Inside namely the mission of stealing a car from a film shooting session. Mimin doesn’t want to spoilers a lot, but one of the gadgets in the car is used to get rid of passengers from the car which is sure to make you laugh!

4. Father / son

Father / son’s mission is a mission that exists at the beginning of this game which requires Michael’s character to chase his stolen yacht. Meanwhile, Jimmy’s son happens to be on the yacht.

5. Marriage Counseling

Marriage Counseling is a very painful mission, because Michael caught his wife, Amanda, Michael’s wife having an affair with her own tennis coach, when going to be beaten by the tennis coach running away through the window. At the same time Franklin went to Michael’s house and asked about the disturbance that had happened.

Actually there are still many more exciting missions, but Mimin only shares a few …

Immediately, you guys play this exciting game … you will definitely be addicted 🙂.

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