This is the List of Game Developers and Publishers who will be Coming at E3 2021

Soon E3 2021 will be held. From 9 to 11 June 2021 we will be treated to the latest game titles and technology that are fresh and stunning. The E3 2021 website will also soon be updated to provide information to future visitors.
Sony and Nintendo, once again have to be absent from this event. And many people are increasingly curious about which game developers and publishers will be attending one of the biggest game events in the world.
So here is a list of publishers and developers who will attend and have been confirmed:
- Activision Publishing, Inc.
- Amazon Game Studios
- BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment America Inc.
- Bethesda
- Capcom USA, Inc.
- Epic Games Inc.
- Kalypso Media Group
- RDS Industries Inc.
- Square Enix, Inc.
- Take-Two
- THQ Nordic
- Ubisoft Entertainment SA
- UnnamedVR by Paracosma
- Warner Bros Interactive Entertainment
- XSEED Games
The big name that’s been waiting for but not on the list is Microsoft. But Phil Spencer said that Xbox has been hard at work at E3 2021, a signal that Microsoft is likely to be here.
E3 2021 itself is predicted to be even more relaxed, considering that currently game publishers prefer to announce their new games directly or by creating their own events.
Another factor is safety concerns. In August 2021, ESA, the party organizing E3 2021, leaked personal information of two thousand professionals including information on their home phone numbers and addresses.
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