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Xbox Officials Reveal Their Toughest Competitor

Vice President Gaming Microsoft, Spencer said that currently the main competitor of Xbox is not traditional consoles like Sony and Nintendo. Then who is the main rival of Xbox today?

Spencer said that with the development of cloud gaming technology, Sony and Nintendo are no longer the main rivals for Xbox. He considers that the two traditional consoles are lagging behind in this sector. Currently Google and Amazon are aggressively developing their cloud gaming technology, and Xbox considers them more worthy of being called main rivals for now than Sony and Nintendo.

Microsoft is currently preparing Azure as the foundation or foundation for their cloud gaming. Azure itself is currently trusted by many large companies in cloud computing matters.

Spencer is very confident in the bright future of cloud gaming as well as Xbox. It is hoped that this technology will be able to overcome problems or obstacles that are often experienced by gamers such as hardware limitations.

For now, cloud gaming is still far from being feasible as a means of playing games. It requires a fast connection, high data downloads, and not to mention the lag-input problem which is the biggest problem in cloud gaming for now. Even companies as big as Google are still struggling with this problem. However, if this problem can be resolved later, it is likely that traditional consoles will be left behind.

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