Yi Shun-shin in Mobile Legends Get Revamped by Moonton and Turns into an Assassin?

After previously we discussed about Hero marksman Karrie who finally got Nerf after all this time. Now on Patch 1.4.70 In the future, Yi Shun-shin, who is a Hero Marksman, is reported to have received a revamp of his entire Skill which has changed except for Ultimate, the Hero also gets a Remodel so that this Hero from South Korean Ginseng country looks like a Swordsman and more slick. In addition, the Revamp that was carried out this time was also quite significant because he became an Assassin / Marksman and made his sword more useful and the damage generated when he attacked was also more painful.

So, what about the revamped skill? What has been changed? Let’s just discuss it.
1. Heavenly How (Passive Skill)

Yi Shun-shin’s passive was that he was able to use bow or a sword when attacking an opponent depending on the distance the opponent is facing. When he did swap weapons then the resulting attack effect will increase by 180 percent.
2. One-Wave Sweep

Skill Only one One-wave Sweep allows Yi Sun-shin to do dash to the front and slash at the opponent who was hit by this attack. Give damage of 200 (+physical damage that you have).
In addition, when YSS uses this skill, he will get immunity status as well as a 30 percent reduction in incoming damage.
3. Blood Floods (Skill Two)

YSS second skill has two forms and how to use. If you press this skill once without holding it, then you will immediately hit the target with your sword, skill it delivers damage amounting to 390 (+physical damage that you have) as well as effects restoring HP as many as 195 (++physical damage that you have) for a short distance.
But if you hold this skill, then YSS will shoot arrows ahead. So in other words this skill can be used both for long and close range and giving damage of 260 (+physical damage which you have), but the passive effect of Yi Sun-shin’s skill is weapon mastery will be active immediately. This means that you will get additional damage and movement speed after using it.
4. Mountain Shocker (Ultimate Skill)
Ultimate skill Yi Sun-shin’s version revamp still the same effect as the old version. Damage the result is also the debuff effect like slow is still the same but maybe the arrow speed looks faster than before.
Well, that’s the Revamp carried out by Moonton on Hero Yi Shun-shin, this Revamp is believed to increase usage hero this, just as happened to the popular Valir and Pharsa after revamp. What do you think about GameZeRO friends?
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