Latest Mobile Legends Redeem Code for October 2021

Mobile Legends is one of the popular Mobile games and is widely played on Android and iOS. Recently its popularity has become increasingly popular since a new update. In the new update, Moonton changed a lot of some of the contents of the game, starting from the game logo, revamp heroes, to meta changes. Besides having made an update called “Project Next”, Moonton is currently holding many interesting events. This October, they are distributing free Mobile Legends items via redeem codes.
So, how do you enter the redeem code? Immediately, see the method below, friend.
How to Enter the Redeem Code
To withdraw the redeem code above, you can follow the steps below:
- Visit the page:
- There you will be asked to enter your Game ID (your game ID) which can be found in the profile section of each Mobile Legends account.
- Click Send Verification Code, and you will get the verification code via mail (mailbox) in the mobile legends game.
- Then enter the code in the Verification code.
- Click Reedem and you’re done, if successful you will get some free items.
Mobile Legends Redeem Code for October 2021
You need to know that, the code that will be given has a limited quota, so for those of you who are the fast ones who will get it, here are some codes:
- zpq3q3yzjtzk228pf
- 79zrywuf9p7y228vq
- Gutkjkcqw9p3228vn
- sde952jbv99n228q5
- m2jcrcfhhxra228vp
Those are some of the Mobile Legends redeem codes that you can cash in to get some free items from Moonton, hopefully this is useful!
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