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4 Latest Mobile Legends Skins This June!

Update The first came from one of the strongest Mobile Legends heroes today, X.Borg. X.Borg will get skin new this June.

X.Borg will get skin specifically for the Starlight member. Skin is titled Graffiti Fashion.

2. Chang’e


Chang’e this time will get 2 skin new at once. First there is skin for the Starlight Reward named Azure Moon.

Then there too skin named Lunar Magic which can be obtained through event Lucky Box. Hear the info for skin Azure Moon can be obtained starting on June 1.

Whereas for skin Lunar Magic is not yet known when the exact date of its release.

3. Zhask


Hero Zhask received 2 skin new at once. First, there is skin special called Extraterrestrial which can be obtained starting June 11th.

So that you can get skin this you have to buy it with 749 diamond. In addition, Zhask will also have skin zodiac edition special. Name skin this specialty is Zhask Cancer. In order to get it you can do it pre-sale on 21 June.

4. Yu Zhong

This one is the newest hero, Yu Zhong, and the latest skin is still uncertain. If you want to have this hero, you can buy with 32,000 points or you can also top up 599 diamonds and 269 diamonds for the skin.

Thus, about the leak skin Which Mobile Legends will really come true? Most waiting skin who is this?

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