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5 Horror Games With Scary Jump Scares !!

Horror games without jump scare, according to Mimin, are less exciting and tense. What would it be if there was a horror game that was added with a terrible jump scare. Here are some horror games with terrifying jump scares!

  1. Slendrina: The Cellar

This horror game that can be played on a smartphone is very popular in its class, because in addition to being scary, this game can make players suffer from heartburn by the sudden appearance of the ghost of Sadako.

To play this game is very easy, you just have to search 8 books to complete the level. But ghost Slendrina it won’t stand still, it will continue to hunt you down and catch you alive.

2. Five Night at Freddy’s Series

Five Night at Freddy’s being the first game to fully rely on the excitement of the game using the jump scare technique.

the story of this player is becoming a night watchman at a restaurant. Instead of guarding the night, players must survive the ferocity of the people Animatronics who can live at night and thirst for human blood.

3. Horror Hospital 3D

As the name suggests, this horror hospital game has the theme of a hospital that people have lived in for a long time, making this place empty and haunted. The way to play this game is by just looking for your friend who is trapped in the haunted hospital with only his cellphone as his weapon.

4. Lisa Appearance (PT/Silent Hill)

You could say, there aren’t many games that can compete with horror Playable Teaser (PT) to date. For those of you who don’t know, PT is a teaser interactive for one of the series Silent Hill which eventually canceled being developed. It’s a shame, yes, even though this game was worked on by Hideo Kojima and Guillermo del Toro.

On the game PT over here, you are forced to walk through the L-shaped corridor repeatedly. When you little by little find out what happened to the family who occupied the house, you will face various terrors, one of which is Lisa. When you first meet Lisa, don’t expect it to be your first and last meeting with this figure. He will come back to haunt you again and again in many different places.

5 Stairs Scene (FEAR)

As has been proven in the film The Shining (1980), the figure of a little girl can be a terrible thing in the horror genre. This is also proven by the game FEAR This game features a little girl named Alma Wade as the main villain. Alma has a grudge against scientists who conducted experiments and tortured him during his childhood.

One of jump scare The most iconic thing in this game is when Alma suddenly appears on the stairs when your character is going down the stairs. Because this scene is so iconic, FEAR expansion pack, that is FEAR: Extraction Point, presenting jump scare in almost the same way. The difference is, you will be surprised by the adult version of Alma when you climb the stairs at FEAR: Extraction Point.

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