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Build Alucard in Mobile Legends Complete Pain and Explanation

Until now, Alucard Mobile Legends is still a hero fighter assassin favorite among players tier low because Alucard is a hero who can produce damage big but easy enough to use. Alucard is also one of the heroes with a level life steal which is high when compared to other heroes.

To increase damage and life steal Alucard’s, of course you have to use item that is suitable so that he can become fighter the strongest. So for those of you who are confused about choosing item build-her, better listen build Alucard Mobile Legends let’s get hurt through this article by Dunia Games!

Build Alucard in Mobile Legends

  • Warrior Boots: The first item that every Mobile Legends hero must have in the early game is a shoe item to enable the hero to roam and farm quickly and easily. Of the many shoes in Mobile Legends, Warrior Boots are the only shoe items that are suitable for Alucard to use because these items increase movement speed and physical armor which is useful for increasing Alucard’s defense.
  • Endless Battle: After successfully buying Warrior Boots, then Alucard must buy immediately item enhancer damage which is called Endless Battle. Item this one is perfect for Alucard as it improves physical attack, max HP, cooldown reduction, movement speed, and life steal. Not to mention that Endless Battle also has a passive that is in sync with skill property of Alucard, namely improving basic attack damage next after Alucard uses skill.
  • Blade of Despair: Enough with the additional attributes from Endless Battle, then Alucard must buy immediately item enhancer physical attack in Mobile Legends, namely Blade of Despair. Item this will improve physical attack for Alucard totaling 170 points and giving movement speed an additional 5. Blade of Despair also has a passive effect, when Alucard attacks a hero with HP below 50%, Alucard will get a bonus physical an additional 25%.
  • Berserker’s Fury: It’s not complete if it’s a hero fighter do not use critical items. The only one item enhancer critical rate and critical damage a match for Alucard is Berserker’s Fury. Item this one will improve physical attack, critical chance, and critical damage what makes damage from Alucard getting sick.
  • Queen’s Wing: After having damage large enough, Alucard must buy defense items so that he is getting thicker and harder to kill. One of defense items which is suitable for use by Alucard there item the one named Queen’s Wing. Item this will improve physical attack, cooldown reduction, and max HP. Item it also has a passive enhancing effect life steal Alucard’s property by 30% when Alucard’s HP is below 40%.
  • Scarlet Phantom: Item The last one that is suitable for use by Alucard is somewhat optional because he can use it item whatever at the end build. However, there are many players who use the Scarlet Phantom to upgrade physical attack, attack speed, and critical chance additional. If you don’t like using Scarlet Phantom, you can replace it with item others like Immortality

So that was the discussion regarding recommendations build Alucard Mobile Legends pain that you can use in 2021. Before using buildAlucard on ranked match, you better use it build item this one yes guys!

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