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Tips and Tricks to Play Among Us Correctly

tips and tricks for playing among us

Among Us is a game that doesn’t require fast reflexes, aiming, solving puzzles, etc. Then how do you get players to understand this game easily? This time GameZeRO will give you tips and tricks to play among us correctly.

Tips for Playing Among Us as Impostors

Being an impostor will certainly be more difficult than being a crewmate. The reason is simple, because the number of players who act as impostors is far less than crewmates. And also they don’t have any tasks that make it easy for some crewmates to suspect them.

Tips and Tricks for Playing Among Us

  • Pretend to be on a mission so that other players are not suspicious of you.
  • Perform sabotage in order to keep crewmates busy to repair damaged crew members.
  • Don’t get too close to other players because you will be very suspicious if you do this.
  • Perform stealth killings or secretly so that you are not accused, for example, such as turning off the lights, then kill one of the crew mates who is far from the other crew mates.

Tips for Playing Among Us as Crewmate

This role arguably has an easier job than the impostor. Crewmates have jobs that require them to complete tasks / tasks on the other side of the plane. Besides, crew mates have more players than importers.Tips and Tricks for Playing Among Us

  • Do the tasks that have been given by pressing the map button so that you know where the tasks that have been given are.
  • Make sure you do not go / are in a quiet place (if you have a task that is in a quiet place it is advisable to skip it and choose to work on the task in a place with lots of people.
  • Make sure if you have a mission such as scanning, throwing trash, shooting meteors, immediately reporting it at the first emergency meeting. The goal is for other players to believe that you are not an impostor, because the impostor has absolutely no task.
  • Don’t forget to trust your friends, because cooperation is what is needed to find out who the impostor is disguised as a crewmate.

Those are some tips and tricks for playing Among Us, hopefully some of the tips and tricks above can help you understand how to play Among Us properly and correctly.

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