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Civilization VI is now permanently free at the Epic Games Store, Hurry!

Epic Games recently made Grand Theft Auto V free on the Epic Games Store for one week. After eliminating the game for free, they are now sharing the PC game from Firaxis, Civilization VI.

Civilization VI itself is a war strategy game with a turn base concept. In this game, later you can build various civilizations, ranging from ancient to modern civilizations.

Civilization VI can be claimed for free until May 28 by visiting the Epic Games Store page. Once you claim, the game will enter your library and be yours forever.

However, you must activate the 2FA (Two Factor Authentication) feature first. Later there are three authentication options that you can choose from.

Civilization VI is Free on the Epic Games Store

After eliminating these 2 games for free, Epic Games plans to share several more games that are no less exciting to play. Based on rumors, the next game that will be free is Borderlands Handsome Collection, and also ARK: Survival Evolved.

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