Director Anime Director, Tatsufumi Ito Dies

Sad news for anime lovers. Anime director Tatsufumi Ito reportedly passed away at the age of 55 on 23 May. He died of a brain stem hemorrhage. The sad news was announced by Tatsufumi Ito’s wife via Twitter last Wednesday.
妻 の い と う ま り こ で す
5 月 23 日 伊藤 達 文 が 脳 幹 出血 の た め 亡 く な り し た (享年 55)
突然 の 事 だ っ た の で 気 持 ち が 追 い つ か い 日 々 で し が 、 少 し ず つ 落 ち い て き ま し の の で さ せ て い た だ き
今 ま で 応 援 し て く だ さ っ た 皆 様 、 仲良 く し て く だ さ っ た 皆 様 本 当 に あ り が と う ご ざ い ま し た
– 伊藤 達 文 (シ ン フ ォ ギ ア 一 期 監督) (@Tastufumi_Itoh) July 1, 2021
Tatsufumi Ito himself became known after directing the first season of Senki Zessho Symphogear, the anime series Satelight which currently has 5 seasons.
Ito himself arguably has a fairly successful career in the anime world. He has been part of the industry since 1990, having served as lead animator, animation director, episode director, and storyboard for various productions since then.
Ito’s last job in the anime industry was as a storyboarder and episode director for several episodes of We Never Learn Season 2, as well as a storyboarder, main animator, and director of the anime’s first season ending unit.
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