[Genshin Impact] Qingxin Location Guide
Qingxin is one of the flowers that grows in the Liyue Territory. Uniquely this flower only grows in high places, therefore it is in the mountains, cliff tops and is windy.
Qingxin cannot be purchased from the merchants in here yet Genshin Impact, so if you want to collect Qingxin, you have to collect one by one.

Material for Ascension Xiao

The area between Qingce Village and Wuwang Hill

Many are found in Qingyun Peak and its surroundings

The high cliffs opposite Mt. Tianheng

That’s information about Qingxin’s location that you can search for and use to strengthen your chosen character Genshin Impact. Look forward to tips and guides Genshin Impact more only in GameFever ID!
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