PS4 Dead Due to Anthem Bugs, Sony Invites Players To Refund
This bug in Anthem seems to need special attention.
Since its release, Anthem is indeed a hot topic of conversation among gamers today. The number of bugs encountered by players has made 2 camps pessimistic and optimistic because Anthem still has a side to be proud of and hopes that Bioware can solve all the problems that exist. As if it never stopped, now there are others who report that Anthem has bugs which is quite serious, where this bug can make the PS4 console suddenly “die” and take a long time to run normally again.
Reports regarding bugs Anthem was the first time out of the community site Reddit, where one of its users reported that his PS4 suddenly died while playing Anthem. Other players who had the same experience began to speak up, some even found their PS4 console completely dead and didn’t want to turn on again.

Seeing this situation, Sony seems aware and allows players to make a full refund. According to some reddit users, he can make refunds very easily and very quickly.

Until now there has been no official response either Bioware as well as EA for this fairly risky bug problem. Our advice for those of you who have Anthem on PS4 is not to play it until information comes from Bioware or EA.
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