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✓ GTA SAN Andreas Cheat Codes for PC complete, Indonesian! – For Grand Theft Auto (GTA) fans, are you familiar with this Game Legend? Yup, GTA San Andreas. This game made by rockstar is the best and most popular “Open World” game ever made by rockstar games. Starting from the epic story to the many communities, GTA San Andreas can also be played online called SAMP or San Andreas Multiplayer. Well, Rockstar itself also has a Cheat feature to make it easier for players to carry out difficult missions. By using a cheat you can not only complete missions easily, but you can feel the excitement when walking around using various vehicles in one map that has been provided by rockstar or fighting against the police and gangs in Los Santos. What’s up GTA San Andreas Cheats For PC the? Come on, see below!

GTA SAN Andreas Cheat Code for complete PC, Indonesian

Cheat CodeEffect
BUFFMEUPMake CJ’s body so muscular
BTCDBCBMakes CJ’s body fat
KVGYZQKMake CJ Body Skinny
HESOYAMIncrease Blood, Money and Armor
JHJOECWMake your BMX bike jump high
AIYPWZQPSpawn a Parachute
BAGUVIXLives Become Infinite
AEZAKMIMake the Police So Good
BRING IT ONwanted level 1 star
OSRBLHH2 star Wanted Level
ASNAEBReduce Star Wanted Level
FULLCLIPUnlimited ammo
AEDUWNVNever Hungry
CVWKXAMLong Breath While Swimming (Infinite)
WORSHIPMEMaximum Respect
HELLOLADIESMaximum Sex Appeal
FOOOXFTMakes pedestrians chase down CJ
IAVENJQSuper Boxing
OUIQDMWControl manual weapons from the car
NCSGDAGHitman level for all weapons
NATURALTALENTNatural Driving Skill
PGGOMOYMaximum Driving Skill

VEHICLE Cheat Codes and GTA San Andreas PC Effects

Cheat CodeEffect
PDNEJOHBring up the Nascar Race car 1
VPJTQWVBring up the Nascar Race car 2
JQNTDMHBring up the Rancher Car
MONSTERMASHSpawn Monster Car
KRIJIEBRSpawn Limousine Car (Luxury Car)
CQZIJMBSpawns the Bloodring Car
ROCKETMANSpawn Jetpack
AMOMHRERSpawns the Rhino Tank
TRUEGRIMEBring up the Garbage Truck Car
RZHSUEWSpawn a Golf Car
EEGCYXTSpawn Car Dozer
AKJJYGLCBring up a Four-Wheeled Motorcycle (ATV)
JUMPJETSpawn Jet Plane
URKQSRKSpawn a Dragonfly
OHDUDESpawns Military Helicopters
KGGGDKPBring up the Amphibious Car
SJMAHPERecruit pedestrians into gangs
ROCKETMAYHEMRecruit Pedestrians Become a gang with RPGs
PPGWJHTRun fast like a flash
LIYOAAYSlow Motion
JCNRUADCar is immune
RIPAZHAFlying car
CPKTNWTMake all cars explode
SPEEDFREAKall cars have NOS
XICWMDTransparent Car

GTA San Andreas PC Weapon Cheat Codes

Cheat CodeEffect
LXGIWYLLevel 1 weapon
KJKSZPJLevel 2 weapon
UZUMYMWLevel 3 weapon

GTA San Andreas PC Weather Cheat Codes

Cheat CodeEffect
TOODAMNHOTMake The Weather So Very Sunny
AFZLLQLLMake the Weather Sunny
CWJXUOCMake the Weather a Thunderstorm
MGHXYRMMake the Weather a Hurricane
AUIFRVQSMake the Weather Rain
CFVFGMJMake the Weather So Foggy
OFVIACOrange Sky and Make Time Always 9 PM
YSOHNULTime Becomes Faster
ALNSFMZOMake the Weather So Cloudy

GTA SAN Andreas PC Pedestrian and Traffic Cheat Codes

Cheat CodeEffect
NINJATOWNYakuza theme
ASBHGRBElvis theme
BAGOWPGChased by sex workers
MROEMZHGangs and Workers
AJLOJYGYAngry Pedestrian
FOOOXFTPedestrians Hold Guns
BGLUAWMLEnraged Pedestrians Use Guns
BEKKNQV Kinky theme
BMTPWHRCountry theme
PRIEBJFunhouse Mode
IOJUFZNThe city went into chaos
FVTMNBZRural vehicle traffic
GUSNHDEVehicle traffic is expensive
LLQPFBNTraffic Cars are pink
IOWDLACtraffic vehicle is colored Black
THGLOJThe traffic is light
ZEIIVGgreen traffic
BGKGTJHBouncer’s traffic

Well, that was it GTA SAN Andreas Cheat Code for complete PC, Indonesian. Hope you enjoy it and stay tuned for the latest updates from us! Stay Tunes and Happy Gaming guys!

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