League of Legends Announces 15 Free Champions in August

Riot will title the first League of Legends festival in the Middle East
GridGames.ID – Good news for you fans of the MOBA game made by Riot Games, League of Legends.
The reason is, the game has just announced a list of Champions that can be played without having to buy. It’s interesting.
Yup, the game made by Riot Games has indeed run a free Champion event.
Every week, the free Champion rotation will be changed to a different one.
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League of Legends online game
Here’s a list of Champions that are free from 11 – 18 August 2021:
- Amumu
- Anivia
- Bard
- Caitlyn
- Cho’Gath
- Ezreal
- Irelia
- Ivern
- Mordekaiser
- Quinn
- Rammus
- Sett
- Soraka
- Vladimir
- Xerath
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The next LoL free Champion Rotation will arrive on August 18th, the following week.

Riot Games
League of Legends Worlds 2021
Previously, Riot Games also announced the next biggest eSports tournament for LoL titled World Championship 2021.
The event will be held at the Shanghai Stadium and will take place from September 25, 2021.
Well, for those of you who want to find out information about the next free Champion, you can keep on watching on the GridGames website.
Also read: League of Legends World Championship 2021 will be held in September
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