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Melon Minor Tournament, Lokapala Prime Championship with Tens of Million Rupiah Prizes

Melon Minor Tournament, Lokapala Prime Championship with Tens of Million Rupiah Prizes

Melon Minor Tournament, Lokapala Prime Championship with Tens of Million Rupiah Prizes, A local Moba game made by the nation’s children has been released some time ago, of which Lokapala is one of the games whose presence is eagerly awaited by gamers in the country.

Lokapala is a Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA) genre game in which this game is said to be one of the serious competitors of several games of the same genre that have already tasted success in Indonesia.

The game, which was worked on by Anantarupa Studio as a publisher from Lokapala, which operates under the auspices of Telkom Indonesia, Melon and Dunia Games, is increasingly showing its seriousness in building a good game ecosystem for its players.

Melon Minor Tournament, Lokapala Prime Championship with Tens of Million Rupiah Prizes

One of the effective ways to advance Lokapala in the Indonesian Esport industry is by providing a professional competition platform, which by holding this competition can raise the prestige of the game and build an Esports ecosystem for this game.

Even though they are known as newcomers to the Moba Esports market in Indonesia, in fact publishers are not afraid to jump right into the world of the pro scene to promote their game, and inform the players about the seriousness of Lokapala in the future.

It is recorded that in June and July Lokapala will present the Melon Minor Tournament, which will be held for two seasons, namely in June for the first season and July for the second season.

Lokapala Melon Minor Tournament

In the first season of the Melon Minor Tournament, registration and participant registration sessions can be done starting from June 8 to 22, while the matches themselves will be held on June 26 to 28.

Meanwhile for the second season, the registration period for participants will re-open on July 6 to 20, and the matches will also be held on July 24 to 26. The tournament itself prepares a total prize of Rp. 25 million.

So for those of you who want to be serious about games made by the nation’s children, just register your team on the registration page:

ALSO READ: Smartphone Specifications To Play LOCAPALA MOBA Games

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