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Platinum Games was offered an acquisition by Microsoft

A few weeks ago, Nier Automata game developer, Platinum Games, announced its partnership with Tencent. With this collaboration, Platinum hopes that they can continue to work on their original project and release it independently. In the last few years they have indeed been “forced” to release games according to the directions of publishers such as Konami or Nintendo.

Another fact was revealed that before deciding to cooperate with Tencent, Platinum Games was offered an acquisition by giant Microsoft. This information is obtained from the account Twitter Brad Sams who is one of the popular insiders of Microsoft products.

It seems that Platinum Games has rejected the acquisition offer. This is quite reasonable considering that Microsoft is considered to be killing PG’s big project a few years ago, namely Scalebound. In addition, Xbox itself is only popular among the west, while in Asia it is still less popular than Sony and Nintendo.

Seeing the fading of Xbox exclusives in this generation, Microsoft doesn’t seem to want to repeat the mistakes on the Xbox Series X. This is evidenced by aggressively in 2021 Microsoft has acquired many independent studios such as Double Fine, Compulsion Games, Ninja Theory, Inxile Entertainment, Obsidian Games and Playground Games.

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