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Tips to Get Maximum Points in Battle Score FF

Hello EPEP players …

For those of you who like to push rank Free Fire, of course, really pay attention to the point rank you get. Apart from the score rank, the battle score is also very important to pay attention to. This battle score is calculated based on the demage you get from one match. This score can be obtained a maximum of +10 and to get this additional score you must collect a minimum of 1000 demage. This time Gamezero will share Tips to Get Maximum Points in Battle Score FF.

For that, there are 2 Tips to Get Maximum Points in Battle Score FF. among them are:

1. Search for enemies and fight

This way of looking for enemies and fighting will certainly increase the damage. Indeed, this method is very risky for those who are pushing rank because if you are not careful your rank can decrease. So, this way must be done with a very careful way of fighting.

2. Collect damage with the red barrel

This second method is much safer compared to the first method, namely by asking the three friends to stand near the red barrel, then you shoot the red barrel until your friend is knocked out. Don’t worry, when your friends knock, just heal your friends and take turns doing this method with your friends. Don’t forget to take it off vest before doing this and make sure it is safe from the enemy so that all of you are safe!

The demage you get in this way will increase damage-you even though you blow it up on teammates. One friend who was hit by the explosion of this red barrel could earn damage around 350-400 damage.

So if your three friends do the same you can earn damage 1000-1200 damage with one shot of the red barrel.

This method is required to work together first so that your friends want to do the following methods.

Source: BOOYAH

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