Ahead of Next Month's Release, The Promised Neverland Season 2 Introduces New Cast

The Promised Neverland season 2 will be released next month or January 2021. It seems that fans of this anime can’t wait for its release. Or maybe you are one of them.
And before the release, which is just around the corner, news came out that the second season of this anime will have a new cast or voice actor. They are Shinichiro Kamio as Sonju and Atsumi Tanezaki as Mujika.
Kamio is known for roles in other anime such as Kuro Kiryu (Ensemble Stars) and Tonori Fujinami (Cardfight !! Vanguard). While Tanezaki is known for the roles of Mei Irizaki (High School Fleet) and Natsuki Moriyama (Persona 3).
The anime’s second season will begin airing in Japan on January 7, 2021 or early next year. The anime was supposed to be released in October this year, but as you know, this anime is also experiencing a delay like most other anime this year. Yep, the work on The Promised Neverland Season 2 was also affected by the impact of COVID-19.
???? 第 2 期 新 情報
ア ニ メ # 約 ネ バ 第 2 期 は…2021 年 1 月 7 日 よ り
フ ジ テ レ ビ “# ノ イ タ ミ ナ“ほ か に て
毎 週 木 曜 25:25 か ら 放送 開始!ま た 第 2 期 の 本 編 映像 を 含 む 最新 CM も 公開! https: //t.co/SzCo7MmIk6 pic.twitter.com/WWBTV0J6m2
– 『約束 の ネ バ ー ラ ン ド』 公式 (@yakuneba_staff) November 5, 2021
The following is the premise of the story from The Promised Neverland:
Set in 2045, Emma (Sumire Morohoshi), Ray (Mariya Ise), and Norman (Maaya Uchida) are the three smartest kids in an orphanage. Unlike orphanages in general, the children are given intensive education as well as healthy and luxurious food. Then when the children are more than 6 years old, they will be looked for by adoptive parents. But one night, Emma and Norman accidentally crossed the restricted area of the orphanage. There, they saw an unexpected incident. Instead of finding their adopted parents, they see a terrifying monster. Finally, it was discovered that so far the children were only raised to be ‘harvested’ and used as food for the monsters outside the orphanage.
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